Problemele IT-ului Romanesc

Domeniul IT nu este lipsit de probleme dupa cu v-ati astepta. Desi majoritatea IT-stilor sunt oameni cu studii superioare, inteligenti si organizati ceva nu merge bine. IT-ul romanesc are o multime de probleme care sunt cauzate intr-o proportie foarte mare de catre oameni. Cei din exteriorul IT-ului vad acest domeniu precum medicina, revolutionar, inovator, foarte […]Read More

Event RO

Startup Grind cu Bogdan Herea (PiTECH+Plus)

Astazi la ClujHub a avut loc o noua editie Startup Grind la care a fost invitat Bogdan Herea, fondatorul PiTECH+PLUS. Mai jos sunt ideile principale ale evenimentului: In copilarie era geek si asa a reusit sa prinda o bursa in Franta. A inceput sa lucreze acolo din anul 2 de studiu pentru a se intretine. Avea […]Read More

Affiliate Marketing

Pat Flynn October 2015 Monthly Income Report

Gross Total in October: $120,217.75 For those of you who don’t know him, Pat is a successful blogger from US that started his blog after being fired from his architecture job. He started learning by himself about affiliate marketing, podcasts, newsletters and other stuff like that and managed to get a constant income over $ 100k […]Read More


Fiverr scams – Click Adsense ads

Fiverr is a website where people offer a lot of services for just 5 bucks. If you don’t know by now, a lot of these gigs (as they are called) are scams or low quality services. Today I want to tell you about an online marketing gig which should offer 10 Adsense clicks for just $5. The offer […]Read More

Coding Tutorial

Magento : CSS & JS 404 not found

Suddenly on one of my Magento shops I got some errors in the browser’s console (the CSS and JS files were not found), just like the ones bellow. I took their URLs and pasted them in the browser. Surprise… they were not missing. I changed the permissions on those files and still no luck. Need […]Read More


Get all filenames from a folder

Sometimes you need to get a list with all the filenames and extensions to do a batch processing. What if there are 1000+ files in a folder ? Well, there is an easy way to get that list in just 10 seconds. If you are using Windows as an OS here is a short tutorial […]Read More