Functiile sunt niste blocuri de cod foarte utile in orice limbaj de programare. Ele au un scop bine definit si se pot refolosi de mai multe ori cu alte date de intrare (alti parametrii). Sintaxa unei functii in JS este urmatoarea: function NUME_FUNCTIE(parametru1, parametru2…){ CORP FUNCTIE } NUME_FUNCTIE(val1, val2…) function – este […]Read More
In acest prim tutorial embedded am construit un detector de gaz foarte simplu folosind doar 6 componente. Pentru a face totul sa functioneze trebuie sa scriem si putin cod folosind Arduino IDE. Device-ul va fi simplu: Senzorul nostru citeste valorile de gaz si le trimitre catre mini-computer. Daca acestea sunt peste limita setata de noi […]Read More
Suddenly on one of my Magento shops I got some errors in the browser’s console (the CSS and JS files were not found), just like the ones bellow. I took their URLs and pasted them in the browser. Surprise… they were not missing. I changed the permissions on those files and still no luck. Need […]Read More
Sometimes you need to get a list with all the filenames and extensions to do a batch processing. What if there are 1000+ files in a folder ? Well, there is an easy way to get that list in just 10 seconds. If you are using Windows as an OS here is a short tutorial […]Read More